Hi, my name is silvia 
Welcome to my portfolio site, where you will find my designs and fine art.
i'm passionate about creating and designing, not just for the sake of beautifying but for the benefit of our world and its inhabitants.  inspired by the beauty and functionality of natural form, I would like to incorporate those into my art and design.  
I have lived in multiple countries, done very varied things and had some amazing experiences.
I view the world with an eye that constantly observes the design of everything around me, appreciating good design where I see it and often forming solutions in my mind where I see the potential for change.
i'm excited by new challenges and have a determined tenacity in finding solutions to design problems.  
as a graphic designer, i hope to provide the best possible design solutions for my clients; and a positive customer experience.  
contact me for your design requirements, no matter how small or large.

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